Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Healthy Foods for a Healthy Heart

Blueberries are actually considered to be included in the list of the extremely potent food for disease prevention. This is due to the anthocyanins that are present in blueberries, and giving its blue color. Anthocyanin acts as a powerful antioxidant. They are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C which you can get any time of the year. You can use it on your cereal for added flavor, or cook it with your pancakes, muffins, or waffles. You can also eat them raw, with other fruits, or blended into a fruit shake or salad.

Salmon is another type of food that is considered to be good for the heart. It is an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. This food can be eaten twice a week in any way you want it: grilled, steamed, poached, baked, or even raw. Salmon is such a versatile type of food and easy to prepare even. You can use it to garnish your salad, pasta, dips, spreads. A good recipe for salmon is to marinate it in lime or lemon, garlic, onion and soy sauce for about a quarter of an hour, then grill it for a sandwich or a fish taco. You can also consider eating your salmon smoked which is usually used in bagels and in appetizers. There are a lot of ways to enjoy your salmon. Try to experiment on it to give variety to your meals and make healthy food enjoyable.

The last but definitely not the least healthy heart food is soy protein. This type of protein may cost less but contains excellent quality protein. It also has a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals added to eat. Just a meal of soy protein is enough to complete your daily requirements for vitamins and minerals. A soy protein rich diet helps in lowering your low density lipoprotein or LDL levels which is considered to be the bad cholesterol. This is very good in preventing heart disease and keeping it fit and healthy. To get your fill of soy protein, you can have it as a snack from a soy protein bar or soy nuts. Edamame or the Japanese term for soybeans is also an excellent choice of snack. Another soy protein rich food is tofu that you use with soup. Soy milk can be mixed with fruit and ice for a scrumptious shake.

Your heart is very valuable. Take care of it by eating a well balanced meal as well as other heart healthy foods such as soy protein, blueberries and salmon.

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